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Knowledge of signs and their articulation make editorial work a challenge.
Typographic choice, grid layout, color palette, and image editing are key.
Teamwork with editors. photographers, style correctors.

Marta Minujin. Works 1959-1989

Victoria Noorthoorn, curator of the exhibition, highlights three general keys to address Minujín's "megaproposal" in the exhibition and in the catalogue: "The ability to propose a constant redefinition of the categories of art, resisting all categorization, the possibility of imagining a destiny on a global scale and its need to affirm a freedom of body and spirit”, he analyzes.

Imagen  Marta Minujin. Works 1959-1989
Imagen  Marta Minujin. Works 1959-1989
Imagen  Marta Minujin. Works 1959-1989
Imagen  Marta Minujin. Works 1959-1989